We looked at various trains running between JR East's Shibuya and Shinjuku stations.
The colors are separated by a line, but it is interesting to see the various ones running on the same platform!
Treppys is a kind of travel channel that introduces Japanese trains and other vehicles along with Japanese scenery and delicious food.
We'll be introducing you to some unusual trains, strange foods, and amazing cuisine!
It is edited in the same way as popular Japanese DVDs for children. Please understand that there may be many differences between the videos in your country.
Also, the commentary may contain errors. If you notice any, please let us know in the comments section. (Probably not easy to correct...)
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00:40 Yamanote Line E235 Series
01:50 Saikyo Line E233 Series
03:00 Shonan Shinjuku Line E233 Series
03:51 Shonan Shinjuku Line E231 Series
04:28 Narita Express N'EX E259 Series
05:09 Rinkai Line 70-000 Series
05:35 Sotetsu Line 12000 Series
06:38 Front View from inside of Sotetsu Line
10:59 Chuo Line E233 Series
11:30 To-bu Super Express SPACIA 100 Series
12:04 Super Express AZUSA E353 Series
13:38 So-bu Line (Local) E231 Series
GT-K(DOVA-SYNDROME) https://dova-s.jp/
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